While I was in Buckeye Country, I spent some time with my mom's side of the family, the Cavanaughs! I only get to see them every 5ish years so it was a well deserved visit. :D I wasn't able to see Jeff (the oldest Cavie child) and his wife Andrea. I missed them by 2 days! But I got to know Scott, Emily's husband, a little better. He fits right in with the craziness. :)
Stephanie, the youngest Cavie, me, Abby, the next to oldest Cavie girl, and Emily, the oldest Cavie O'Neal! We ate at Schimdt's, a German restaurant located in German Village. Delish!
Cream Puffs, a German tradition. We ate vanilla and peanut butter fudge, which was my favorite!!
Uncle Steve, Helga, and Aunt Cris. Helga is a hostess at Schmidt's and attends the Cavies' church. She came from Germany with her husband in the 60s. How cool!
Steph and me in the German cut out outside the restaurant.
A typical house found in German Village. Very cute!
Can you imagine 32 rooms of books?? Me either!! Until I visited the Book Loft. One word: AMAZING! Abby thought so, too. :)
Aunt Cris headed down the garden alleyway that leads to the front door of the store.
Enough said. :)
Abby deciding her next move while playing LIFE with Steph and me.
Uncle Steve roasts his own coffee beans. He's cooling them off after taking them out of the hot air popcorn popper. Totally cool.
ABS and LYD. crazy girls!
Steph and Lyd, even crazier.
Some people have said that Emily and I have the same eyes. What do you think?
We don't like to take serious photos. It's the Italian in us. :) I love you lots and lots, CAVIES!!