
05 January 2013

Anna Wesley's Birth Story: Part One

I was due November 30th. The entire pregnancy I thought Baby Pierce, affectionately called PIP {Pierce in Progress} by many friends, would make his or her debut during Thanksgiving week.

{clockwise} Lydia with Baby Pierce in her 39th week with Goose and Priss (Jme's adorable daughters. Check out her blog for info on the nicknames!)

Thanksgiving came and went and no baby. No biggie! My last day of work was the Friday after Thanksgiving; let the vacation begin!

Thanksgiving table with football in the background. Remember who I'm married to? Mr. Football!

My paternal grandmother's china and silver. I love magnolias!

The last Thanksgiving dinner as a Coffey Pierce Family of 6. Yes, that's our Christmas tree up at Thanksgiving. I'll be too prego to do it later!

During the last week of the pregnancy, we slept in, went on our last two date nights as a family of 2, nested, watched lots of football, and enjoyed doing nothing. It. Was. Fabulous. It was the first time Jared and I was on the same schedule in five years of marriage!

Date Night #2:  Five Guys Burgers and  Fries

 We had our 40th week doctor appointment on November 27th. My prayer was for a little bit of progression. I was 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced. WOOHOO!! Progress! We set a date to be induced just in case Baby Pierce needed a push to get moving. We chose Monday, December 3rd because our doctor was on call 7a to 7a, and we thought a birthday of 12-3-12 would be pretty cool.

November 30th comes and goes. And so does December 1st and 2nd.

On Sunday, December 2nd, Jared and I finished last minute packing before the big day. My mom and sister, Marianna, come to town to be there Monday morning. For dinner, we ate at Tabella, my favorite Italian restaurant. I loaded up on the carbs since my next meal could easily be 24 hours away. I slept for only about 4 hours that night although it felt like I slept zilch hours. But I know I must have at some point even through someone's snoring (JDub! ;)

Our alarm went off at 4am. I took my last shower as a pregnant lady, did my makeup, and straightened my hair. Who knew when the next time that could happen! Mom was awake to see us off to the hospital. We took pics as instructed by Jme to put in the photo album she made for Baby Pierce.

Getting ready for the last time as a pregnant lady.

Our bags ready to be placed in the car.
Jared's bag. Is anyone surprised? ;)
The next time we come home we will have a baby!