
02 September 2010

Are dining rooms a dying breed?

Donna @ Funky Junk Interiors posted about dying dining rooms recently. {Check Donna's blog out! I love her "blog voice," and she always has an awesome project going on. She's pretty much amazing!}

It got me thinking about our dining room and how we use it. She posed the question, "Do you use your dining room for a dining room?"

Well, Funky Junk might be surprised at how we use our dining room....

In our dining room, we have a small, four person table with four chairs and one small in-the-corner shelf that houses my china. That's it! Nothing on the walls. (Even after this post and all the great suggestions...there's still nothing on the walls. I'll explain that soon...) Not even bar stools at the kitchen bar or a pretty table topper.

We only eat at the table when friends or family are joining us. This is one thing that will change when kids come along. Some of my favorite childhood memories are spent around the dining room table at dinner time!

But our dining room, eh...I don't know if I have the strength to tell you what our dining room has become over the past year... it is....

Our dining room has become a dressing room. Yes, you read that right, a dressing room! With our oddball schedules, there are many days and nights that when Jared or me get off work, one of us is sound asleep in the bedroom. In order to not disturb the sleeping spouse, we change clothes in the dining room. And then in the mornings, we'll dress in the dining room.

Is this odd? Probably. But sleep is precious. And when I get home at 11:30 at night and Jared has to wake up at 4:30 the following morning (or vice versa!), I don't mind for my dining room to be used as a changing area. :)

Maybe if I get brave, I'll post a picture...maybe....

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