
05 November 2010

Change is on its way...

Bear with me while I go through some blog changes. I like change. I just can't make up my mind! Thoughts on this design?

I've finally decided on a blog name! Entertaining Angels. I loooove the verse it references. And I've always been a fan of the Newsboys song, "Entertaining Angels." (And, yes, it took me several months to find one I liked. :)

It hit me how Jared and I both live out this verse in our daily lives, especially on the job. When we treat people we meet as if they're the most important person at the moment, it can make a difference in that person's day. 

Mary Kay Ash said it best, "Treat everyone as if he or she has an invisible sign hanging from his or her neck saying, 'Make me feel important.'" Do it for just a day and see the difference. :)

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